Sunday, August 14, 2011

Am I Bipolar? Please read these syptoms. do i need help?

I have a lot of problems and here are my symptoms. I like my job and Im good at it but im constantly thinking of changing professions or looking for a similar job. I have mive credit card debt and I can't get myself out of it. I am always thinking creative things such as religious interpretations. I consider myself biual at times. I say really inappropriate things and have very stormy relationships. i tend to overreact and start crying erratically when i am under pressure (i once told my boss i wanted to jump out a window. I feel low a lot and feel i am worthless. i am always complaining and telling my fiance how unhappy i am. when i am drinking and get really depressed i cut myself. i dont have many friends. i am constantly changing long term goals. i thought yesterday that i wanted to get away from my problems rob someone or something and take off and live in las vegas. i just feel unstable and out of control all the time. i told my future brother in law that i am ashamed to know someone who had a child out of wedlock and now my fiance's whole family hates me. i can be talking about something andcompletely forget what i am talking about when i am talking. i never had any hallucinations but i feel that someone always has an evil motive against me, including my father and fiance. i find it hard to trust anyone. i have bad karma and iwill always be doomed. this is how i feel and i want to know if i need medial help or if i am just a miserable person. please advice.

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